Click On Action




09/09/2012 - 16/09/2012





YouthNet Participants

2 people

Having as central focus the method and practice offered through Forum Theatre, “Click on Action!” is designed as a 6 days training course that aims at bringing together participants from 8 different countries. The overall objective of the training course is to develop and improve the youth workers’ skills in non-formal education in general and in particular in Social Theatre methods. Participants was from Romania, Croatia, Italy, Turkey, Cyprus, Lithuania, Hungary and Portugal.


Having as central focus the method and practice offered through Forum Theatre, “Click on Action!” is designed as a 6 days training course that aims at bringing together participants from 8 different countries. The overall objective of the training course is to develop and improve the youth workers’ skills in non-formal education in general and in particular in Social Theatre methods.

The use of creative and innovative methods and techniques specific to Forum Theatre (such as demechanizing, voice, body, statues and images, improvisation exercises and games) together with the methods specific to non-formal education and learning (both individual and group methods: group work, workshops, role-plays, local community contacts, open space, reflection) will provide the context for a deep understanding of the concept and practice of Forum Theatre as a tool for social change.

All elements mentioned above will offer to the participants the opportunity to improve skills in areas such as communication, team leading and motivating, to develop proactive attitudes and at the same time understand better the similarities and the differences in social problems and the different types of oppression that can exist in the communities we all live it.