Young Entrepreneurs in Action: Discovering Means of Beating Unemployment


Valkla Beach


01/07/2013 - 07/07/2013


Shokkin Group



YouthNet Participants

3 people

  • A 7 day training course for youth workers and youth leaders. The main aim of the project is to introduce youth entrepreneurship as a tool of fighting youth unemployment. During the training people who work directly with young people (who are either current of future jobseekers) will learn how to introduce the idea of entrepreneurship to young people, how to motivate them to be pro-active and how to support them during the process of applying entrepreneurial approach into career development.
  • Objectives of the training course are:
    • Raise the awareness of youth entrepreneurship as a career option
    • Introduce tools of promoting entrepreneurial attitude among youngsters
    • Raise motivation of youth workers to promote entrepreneurial attitude among youth to get involved in entrepreneurship
    • Promote socially responsible entrepreneurship
    • Get an overview of entrepreneurship opportunities in different European countries
    • Introduce Youth in Action Programme as a possible tool for developing entrepreneurial attitude and skills.